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Thursday Night Special 8: Nadia Bolz-Weber!


Thursday Night Special: We're Not Worthy, where Robb and Eric interview amazing people!

We sat down with Nadia Bolz-Weber over a warm cup of Skype to talk about her books, preaching, being Lutheranish, giant dogs and to answer some of    your questions that were submitted via Twitter and Facebook.

Nadia Bolz-Weber is the founding pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints, an ELCA mission church in Denver, Colorado. She’s a leading voice in the emerging church movement and her writing can be found in The Christian Century, Jim Wallis’ God’s Politics blog, and on Patheos as Sarcastic Lutheran. She is author of Salvation on the Small Screen? 24 Hours of Christian Television and the Sarcastic Lutheran blog. Her theological memoir, Pastrix: the Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint which was published in 2013 by Jericho Press.