NL 213 Promise of a Messiah
Image by youngki son from Pixabay
Jeremiah 33:14-18
Initial Thoughts
A much needed word of hope in the midst of despair- light in the darkness and a reminder that no matter what the dark tidings the news may bear- God Is With Us.
Hope is about waiting
Bible Study
Written in the midst of exile.
The people were warned and remained unfaithful: they now have “reaped what they sowed”, yet their suffering and despair is real and cannot be ignored.
The judgement of God- Exile- is deserved, yet is still so awful that even God joins the people’s lament and dreams of restoration
Known as “The Little Book of Comfort” Jer 30-33
People are waiting for their promise to be fulfilled
God always keeps God’s promises, but not always on our timetable
The challenge is not how do we endure the waiting, but how do we participate in what God is doing?
Hope inspires imagination- how can we embody God’s creative image of restoration and reconciliation
Despair limits our creative processes- Hope inspires us
Working with and through
Despite the judgement of God that Israel and Judah have brought upon themselves through exile, God still chooses to work through and with Israel and Judah to restore justice and righteousness
God chooses us to bring about reconciliation and restoration
Justice and righteousness
Righteousness needs to be unpacked- it is a “church” word that hold very little meaning for most people
Righteousness = acting according to God’s purpose
What is God’s purpose: love, forgiveness, reconciliation over self-preservation - RADICAL
What does it mean to declare “The LORD is our righteousness”!
God is our plumbline- not sustainable, not profitability, but God.
God, who declares equal rights for all people- citizens and aliens
God, who would rather die on a cross than resort to violent retribution
God, who tells us to love our enemies and those who revile, persecute and hate us
God, who tells us that to be rich, we must first become poor, to be first we must become last and to inherit eternal life we must be willing to die
Thoughts and Questions
We are called to have compassion for all people who suffer, even those who suffer due to their own actions (or inactions). Will we be a light in the midst of their darkness or will we smugly sit back and say “I told you so”?
Advent is not about what God will do in spite of us or about waiting to be saved, but about what God will do through us and within us to save the world.
This passage gives us a chance to reimagine the world as one of justice and peace, forgiveness and reconciliation, love and grace. What a perfect way to start the year as one of unlimited hope and possibility and asking ourselves- how can we participate in God’s restorative actions?
Opening music: Misirlou, One Man 90 Instruments by Joe Penna/MysteryGuitarMan at MIM
Closing Song by Bryan Odeen