Epiphany 5C (OT 5)
1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Mason Parks
Isaiah 6:1-8, Max Hazell (see also Hezekiah: Buried in the bowels of the Earth for centuries, recently unearthed by a team of hearty explorers)
Luke 5:1-11
Initial Thoughts
What did we skip?
Jesus leaves Nazareth to go to Capernaum
Jesus rebukes spirits
The unclean spirit names Jesus as “holy one of God”
Went to home of Simon
Rebukes Simon’s Mother-in-law’s fever
More people press him, he exorcizes more demons, who call him “God’s Son.”
Crowds try to keep him from leaving town (as opposed to Nazareth, where crowds want to throw him off the cliff).
He leaves, and “continues preaching in the Judean synagogues.”
This text is at Lake Gennesaret
Gennesaret is the next city west of Capernaum, along the Sea of Galilee.
Compare to miraculous catch in John 21
Bible Study
Three themes of Luke at this point
Jesus is popular, gathering witnesses in Galilee (until turning point of 9:50, when he heads to Jerusalem)
Jesus is a teacher (about abundance of the Kingdom of God)
Response is repentance
Jesus is being followed by crowds.
He left crowds in Capernaum.
The crowds here push him into the water to try and gain some space.
One of the first instances of Jesus speaking to crowds, but then teaching a few with special attention (see parable of the sower, and the feeding of 5000 followed by Transfiguration)
Luke’s location of this story of the call of his first disciples implies that Jesus’ popularity and the size of the crowds made it necessary to have helpers. This becomes more evident later in the sending of the Seventy (10:1-2). The work of Jesus is thus prophetic of the church’s successful spread of the gospel, a condition that also required the enlisting of more workers (Acts 11:19-26)
We don’t get the details of what Jesus had been teaching in this particular instance, but we can guess that he has kept with his theme of “good news to the poor.”
The sign of the miraculous fish is an extension of his teaching.
They follow his instruction
Even though this was a huge pain. They had worked all night, and cleaning the nets was an tedious task. To go back out again after cleaning the nets was a big, presumptuous (maybe even insulting) ask.
Absurdity here that a carpenters son is going to tell the fishermen how to do their job - and to do it in a way which goes against everything they know (to fish at night, etc)
The enormous catch brings about another important theme of Jesus’ ministry and teaching - that is abundance
Part of Jesus’ good news is one of abundance.
“Lord leave me, for I’m a sinner,” is the response of being faced with something too great for your own good.
“Lord” is a big deal- “the term the Septuagint translated the sacred and unpronounceable name of God (YHWH)”, Gonzalez, Luke, p.74
Similarity to other call stories (cf. Isaiah 6:1-11)
“Sinner” - Peter never confesses to a specific sin, but this could be a cultural designation in which to the Jewish elite, sinners were those who did not attend worship or participate in the temple sacrifices. This would have included many of the poor living far from Jerusalem (which Peter might have been one of). Gonzalez
Only after his recognition that he is in the presence of the “Lord”/ the Holy that Simon is referred to as Simon Peter- the one who will later be commended for his declaration of Jesus as Messiah
Fear and unworthiness is how to respond to angels and God
Jesus response is also typical of how the angels responded: “Fear not.” But then he moves on with teaching, “You will fish for people.”
Like the calling of Isaiah and others, the pronouncement of “do not fear” is couples with a commission/invitation to a ministry which will be fraught with difficulty and danger
Repentance leads to acceptance of mission.
Peter, James and John “leave everything”, they repent/turn away from what was to reorient themselves toward the way of Jesus. They are living out the invitations of both John the Baptist (to repent) and Jesus (to living into the Kingdom of God as described in Luke 4)
“The calling of the disciples in Luke and in Mark is narrated very differently. Luke alone includes a miracle, that of the great catch of fish. Stress is laid, however, upon the consequence of the miracle, Simon Peter’s confession of sin…. After his repentance, Simon Peter and those with him become fishers of men or true disciples.” (Anatomy of the New Testament, Seventh Edition, p. 136)
Thoughts and Questions
Ched Myer: “There is perhaps no expression more traditionally misunderstood than Jesus’ invitation to these workers to become ‘fishers of men.’ This metaphor, despite the grand old tradition of missionary interpretation, does not refer to the ‘saving of souls,’ as if Jesus were conferring upon these men instant evangelist status. Rather, the image is carefully chosen from Jeremiah 16:16, where it is used as a symbol of Yahweh’s censure of Israel. Elsewhere the ‘hooking of fish’ is a euphemism for judgment upon the rich (Amos 4:2) and powerful (Ezekiel 29:4). Taking this mandate for his own, Jesus is inviting common folk to join him in his struggle to overturn the existing order of power and privilege.” (Binding the Strong Man, p. 132)
The calling of the disciples is different in Luke in that Jesus is already a well-known teacher and healer. In fact, before Simon follows Jesus, he has already hosted him for dinner, and Jesus has healed his mother-in-law. After that healing, there is no response from Simon. It is not until after this teaching and catch that Simon finally follows. I think there is a misconception that all the disciples just picked up and followed Jesus immediately, without any knowledge. We often understand them to make these giant leaps of faith. Luke tells the story differently, though. Simon has a relationship and knowledge on which to base this life-changing decision.
Abundance and Repentance are important themes. Jesus brought abundance, not to the entrenched powers or religious leaders, but to those who were in need of repentance.. He called and ate with a tax collector, Levi. He allowed a sinful woman to ‘waste’ oil on him. He tells the parable of the soil which bears great abundance. He heals a demon-possessed man in Gerasene. He feeds 5000.
Simon is seen as the model for how to respond to Jesus.
He listens to his teaching.
He obeys his commands (with some reluctance)
He recognizes his own sinfulness
He responds by following - laying everything aside.
“The story of the church is reflected to some degree in this story itself. When Jesus calls, Peter is hesitant and thinks that what Jesus asks of him is both unnecessary and too demanding. Nevertheless, Peter responds, and he discovers that life has a surprise in store for him. By doing what Jesus asks him to do, he experiences an epiphany of God.” (Arland Hultgren, Working Preacher)
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Initial Thoughts
These are notes from Easter Sunday, Year B
Paul invented the humble brag.
Bible Study
You are saved through the good news, which is this:
“Christ died for our sins. He was buried, and on the third day he rose.”
The proof of his resurrection is in all those that saw it:
(Leaves out the women who first witnessed the resurrection. Paul’s letters predate Gospels, so he may not have been privy to that information, or he may have intentionally left it out of his account. It is hard to believe that Gospel writers would have inserted it because women were not trustworthy witnesses)
The Twelve
500 others, some still alive.
Rest of the Apostles
Me (Paul)
The power of God rests on the reality of the resurrection.
Some in Corinth did not believe in the resurrection
Over-realized eschatology – the resurrection had already happened (2 Timothy 2:17-18)
Hyper-spiritualized – the idea of remaining tied to our “body-prison” was disturbing to the 1 Corinthians:
Having been schooled in such refined philosophical thought, perhaps the “wise” Corinthians said something like this:
The resurrection of Jesus is a wonderful metaphor for the spiritual change that God works in the lives of those who possess knowledge of the truth. “Resurrection” symbolizes the power of the Spirit that we experience in our wisdom and our spiritual gifts. But the image of resuscitated corpses (anastasis nekrōn) is only for childish fundamentalists. Those of us who are spiritual find it repugnant.
Rejection of the body in favor the spirit
“according to Paul, our future hope must be for a transformed body in the resurrection, not an escape from the embodied state.” Interpretation: First Corinthians.
Confessional Statement:
that Christ died for our sinsin accordance with the Scriptures
and that he was buried,
and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures
and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
Does not explain these statements – which scriptures, how does Jesus die for our sins? What does it mean that he was raised?
Justin Martyr, the great second-century apologist. In his debate with Trypho the Jew, Justin acknowledges that there are “some who are called Christians ... who say that there is no resurrection of the dead [anastasis nekrōn], and that their souls, when they die, are taken to heaven.” Against such “godless, impious heretics,” Justin takes an uncompromising stand: “Do not imagine that they are Christians” (Dialogue with Trypho, 80)
The centrality of the Resurrection of the Body and Spirit
The resurrection of Christ is the keystone upon which all of Christianity is built.
If there is no resurrection, then death on Cross is the end of the story.
If there is no resurrection, then there is no point in Jesus’ life. There is no good news. There is just the execution of a righteous man.
Nadia Bolz Weber (paraphrase) “I don’t think the early martyrs died for a good story, or for a good feeling they had after Jesus died.”
Go beyond lection, and see that Jesus’ resurrection is about more than just who Jesus is, it is about who we are promised to be. We are invited to be resurrection people, but if the first resurrection didn’t happen, then we are simply lost.
Clearly trying to convince Corinthians of a few things
Paul didn’t make this stuff up.
Resurrection is important.
Grace does not come from merit.
Thoughts and Questions
What does the phrase, “Christ died for our sins” mean? Is this a message of Good News? This is a well known statement of Christianity, but not one that mainline or progressive Christians unpack or address- perhaps now is the time.
Check out “How does ‘dying for our sins’ work?” by Brian Zahnd
What does the resurrection of Jesus mean for you? Is it important? If so - why? If not - why?
In what ways have you experienced resurrection in your own life?
Is there a piece of music, poetry or art that help you envision the resurrection or a sense that God conquers death?
Easter matters. All of what we do rests on this idea that Christ was raised from the dead. Everything is for naught if there is no resurrection. What however, is the nature of the resurrection. As Paul said, we were born at the wrong time. Can we still be witnesses to the resurrection of Christ? Clearly, Paul’s witness of the Resurrection was different than that of Peter, but was just as life-altering. What about our experience of the Resurrection.
Resurrection is not awarded by merit. There is no deserving resurrection. There is only God’s grace. Response to grace is also important. If we do not respond to grace by sharing the good news, then the grace is “for nothing.” How do we respond to the threat of cheap grace? How do we make the resurrection count?
“You are being saved through it…” Salvation is an ongoing process of hearing, believing, and doing the good news.
Isaiah 6:1-8
Initial Thoughts
“Here I Am Lord” hymn- based at least partly on this (and the calling of Samuel)
Bible Study
Two parts of a Three part story:
Theophany of God (vv.1-4)
Calling of Isaiah (vv.5-8)
Prophecy (vv.9-13) not included in Lectionary
Why is this here instead of Isaiah 1? Isaiah’s prophecy (vv.9-13) specifically relates to the oracles of chapters 7 and 8
Ahaz is afraid and wants to ally with the Assyrians instead of trusting “Immanuel” God with us
Theophany - visible manifestation of God - What does this tell us about God?
“The year King Uzziah died” - died from leprosy in 742 which he contracted because he arrogantly decided to burn incense to God- a task assigned only to the priests (descendants of Aaron) 2 Chron. 26
God is not subject to Kings- even faithful Kings - Kings come and go, but God last forever
God is seen! This is extraordinary- rarely is God “seen” - most likely a dream
God is enthroned in Jerusalem - God is with Judah (Isaiah 7) not simply enthroned in heaven (Ezekiel 1:1-3:11; 1 Kings 22:19)
“There was a correspondence between the Temple in Jerusalem and God’s celestial palace, it is understandable that Isaiah should have a vision of God enthroned in the Temple. God apparently is imagined as having gigantic proportions, with the skirts of his robe filling the entire interior of the Temple.” (Rober Alter, The Hebrew Bible, v. ii The Prophets, p. 641).
Only biblical mention of Seraphs- very little is known biblically, simply God is attended by supernatural creatures and then they cannot behold the glory and majesty of God.
“It is not entirely clear what these angelic attendants of God look like. Their name shows the verb that means ‘to burn,’ and they might be angels of fire, but then why would they need tongs to hold the burning coal? The root saraf is also associated with the burning venom of serpents… leaving open the disquieting possibility that these seraphim are winged snakes.” (Rober Alter, The Hebrew Bible, v. ii The Prophets, p. 641).
Holy, Holy Holy - Holy means “separate” or “other” - three times = Yahweh is the ultimate “other”
Hem fills the temple- rob was a sign of power and none can equal the power of God
Protestation - common (Samuel doesn’t recognize God’s voice, Jeremiah says he is too young, Moses rejects God’s call repeatedly)
Fear - Isaiah has seen what Moses and even Seraphs cannot behold - death is imminent
Fear is met with recognition and confession- both individual “I am a man of unclean lips” and corporate “I live among a people of unclean lips”
Confession is met with ritualistic purification - coal to the lips - specifically addressing his confession/sin
Moses needs proof he talked with Yahweh: is given a staff, given and cured of leprosy, bloody Nile water
Jeremiah cannot speak- God touches his mouth
Ezekiel given a scroll to eat
Seraph acts as intercessor - very priestly acts in response to Uzziah’s disregard of ritual
Ritual is important!
“The prophet’s lips having been cleansed, he is now ready to take up the mission. There is a linguistic note as well as a spiritual one in all of this: poetry, purportedly representing divine speech, is the prophets vehicle; now, with his lips purified, he is in a condition to utter this elevated and powerful form of speech.” (Robert Alter, The Hebrew Bible, v. ii The Prophets, p. 642)
Only after confessing and accepting forgiveness can Isaiah hear the voice fo God- not through seraphs but directly from God
“us” most likely referred to the Seraphs and unmentioned divine council over whom Yahweh in majesty reigns - think of a King asking the court - who will go for us
Thoughts and Questions
God calls us whether we like it, want it or not- in our weakness (unclean lips) God gives us strength. What is keeping you (or your church) from answering God’s call? How is God helping you overcome that obstacle
Isaiah confesses both individually and corporately. What sins are we guilty of corporately and what are we guilty of individually? Are they separable?
God with us - in the midst of fear, in the midst of impending invasion, in the midst of dying Kings and unfaithfulness and uncertainty- God is with us. God is Holy and God’s ways are not our ways, but God is with us. How will we preach this while not watering down the fear, turmoil and need for confession?
God chooses to offer healing, purification and forgiveness not directly but through a messenger (Seraph). How might we be God’s messengers?
Forgiveness can burn us while making us whole
Thanks to our Psalms correspondent, Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (psalmimmersion.com,@pomopsalmist). Thank you to Scott Fletcher for our voice bumpers, Dick Dale and the Del Tones for our Theme music (“Misirlou”), Nicolai Heidlas (“Sunday Morning”,"Real Ride"and“Summertime”) and Bryan Odeen for our closing music.