Holy Week Year B (Roundtable-2015)
"Time to Pray" by Luz Adriana Villa
The Rev. Chris Davies
- Associate pastor at Wapping Community Church, UCC, South Windsor, CT
- @jesuslovesdinos
- D. Min student at Andover Newton Theological Seminary
- Creator of Queer Clergy Trading Cards (Website & Facebook)
The Rev. Casey FitzGerald
- Associate Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, VA
- @caseyfitzgerald
- storyteller--faithandwonder.com and podcast at storydivine.com
The Psalmtastical Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
- @pomopsalmist
- Psalm Nugget of the Week- every episode of Pulpit Fiction
- psalmimmersion.com
- worldmaking.net
Palm Sunday
- Mark 1:1-11 (Palm)
- Mark 14:1-15:47 (Passion)
Palms or Passion?
- Twitter interaction:
- @GoodWill605: “More and more I move towards Passion, but would like to have a processional then a sermon on the passion”
- @revRenfro: “I love what Borg and Crossan talk about: two parades on Palm Sunday and important to separate the palms from the passion”
- @ReverendJET
- On Facebook:
- Sharon Stowe Cook: As a pastor: Palm Sunday. As a worshipper (cuz now I'm in extension ministry), Palm Sunday. Actually, as a pew sitter, I get a little ticked if it's Passion Sunday. It's like a spoiler. Ruins the dramatic build up of the week.
- Mark Allio:I go back and forth on this. I would like to have Palm Sunday but I know that only 5% of the congregation will come to Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. So coming to Palm Sunday and then straight to Easter falls short. I believe that our focus is on resurrection and new life but you can't have resurrection without the cross. So we usually start with Palms and move through Passion with hymns and scripture readings. But sometimes we just stick with Palms because we have seen the Passion in the least of these and know that when we suffer, Jesus suffers with us.
- Amanda and Todd: “Palms”
- Kids parade?
- Palms- useful or a waste?
- The curious case of “Hosanna” with Palms and Psalm 118 (Richard)
- Psalm 31 with the Passion (Richard)
- ? - important for context?
- The Woman with the Jar in the Passion (Mark 14.3-9) (Richard) (I just preached on that last Sunday! -Chris (https://jesuslovesdinos.wordpress.com/2015/02/25/precious-moments/)
Maundy Thursday
- John 13:1-17, 31b-35
- Maundy Thursday- the garden, the foot washing, the supper? All of them?
- ‘Christian’ Passover meal?
- Would you wash people’s feet?
- Let people wash yours?
- Do you try and fit Good Friday into Maundy Thursday?
- Spotlighting the “New Commandment” of love (Richard)
- On leaving out the lectionary’s “betrayal” bit (Richard)
- On using Psalm 116 withtenebraeor stripping of the altar on Thursday (Richard)
Good Friday
- John 18:1-19:42
- In one tweet answer: “What is good about it?”
- What about the death of Jesus? How do we tell that story etc
- Tenebrae Services?
- Stripping the Altar
- Stations of the Cross
- Psalm 22 and solidarity prayer (Richard)
- Music: Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber